Agricultural Burns

Agricultural open burning is exempt from the requirement to obtain an air quality permit from the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division or an authorized local agency. The crux of the regulation’s definition of agricultural open burning pertains to the purpose of the burn.

There are four specific purposes:

Examples of Agricultural Open Burning:

Burns that REQUIRE a permit:

Slash Pile Burns

A slash pile is made up of vegetative material that has been concentrated by manual or mechanical means into a pile measuring no more than 6’ wide by 6’ tall. Slash piles generally contain the remnants of mitigation projects or simply the forest debris cleaned up from around one’s property. However, there are restrictions on what types of material can be placed in a slash pile. 


Guide to Burning from Boulder County


Weld County Open Burning Information


Burn Permit Application from Weld County


Definition of Agricultural Open Burning from the State of Colorado